Nebraska Man Takes Daughter Fishing, Wins Boat

Is This Real Life?

Imagine this…

You’re a lifelong angler.

You take your 5-year-old daughter out for a day of fishing.

While you’re out, you snap a photo.

When you get back, you upload that photo to a content website.

And then you win a Bass Tracker Classic fishing boat

Can it get much better than that?

For one Nebraska man, this is reality.

Carrying on the Tradition

Tanner Hess, a native of Nebraska, grew up fishing. He also hopes that his two daughters will carry on that tradition for future generations.

When he became aware of the Take ‘Em Fishing contest sponsored by Nebraska Game and Parks on social media, he decided to go for it.

And now he and his family are the proud owners of a brand new fishing boat!

The contest is meant to promote fishing awareness for younger generations. According to the Nebraska Game and Parks website, many anglers in the state are getting older and, as a matter of sustainability, younger generations developing an interest in fishing is essential.

As Nebraska, like many other states, relies on the sale of fishing permits and aquatic habitat stamps to sustain healthy fisheries, they are thinking toward the future.

They are also sweetening the pot with some amazing giveaways…

The Rewards of Fishing

Very little compares to creating multi-generational memories with your children. Those memories become even sweeter when they take place on the water.

Catch a couple nice fish, and your children will likely be hooked for life. Which means their children are also likely to follow that path.

But to ensure this contest would be a success, Nebraska Game and Parks added some extra incentives.

Among those include the grand prize: a Bass Tracker Classic fishing boat valued at roughly $12,000!

Not too shabby for a day of fishing, right?

The consolation prizes are pretty swell, too. These range from minnow buckets, tackle boxes, pocket knives, and rod holders to fishing rods and reels, cookware, and a 10-foot Tamarack Angler kayak — the latter a donation from The Nebraska Fish and Game Association.

The contest ran between mid-April and mid-September and roughly 4,700 people submitted photos of themselves fishing with either novice or lapsed anglers.

And for two young girls from Nebraska, it is unlikely they will ever forget the rewards of fishing.

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