Amazing Outdoor Gear for Father’s Day 2022

If you have stumbled across this page, there is a very good chance there is a man in your life who absolutely loves the outdoors!

Whether he enjoys fishing, camping, hunting, or hiking, it’s hard to go wrong by spoiling him with some popular, in-demand gear this year.

June is always right around the corner, though, so let’s take a look at some gear that will make many dads happy in 2022!

Boat and Water Shoes

Even if dad isn’t spending time on a boat this summer, nobody likes getting a nice pair of sneakers wet. Luckily, there are plenty of amazing boat and water shoes on the market in 2022.

Some of the most popular models on the market right now include:

Also, a man can never have too many pair of Crocs

Life Jackets and Personal Flotation Devices

First and foremost, dad should be enjoying himself this summer. For many, that means spending copious amounts of time on the water.

Sometimes fun includes safety, though.

Whether he’s hitting the water solo or with the whole family, make sure everybody on the boat is accounted for with some of these comfortable, modern life jacket options:

Fillet Knives

After a busy weekend (or summer) on the water, dad may be ready to fillet some crappie, bluegill, trout, saugeye, or even catfish.

You can pick up cost-effective fillet knives at your local big-box retailer that will hold up for a couple months, but there is something nice about using a high-end, durable blade. For the fishing dad in your life, consider the following:

Tackle Bags

The days of lugging clunky, cumbersome, hard plastic tackle boxes to the shore or the boat are fading. Sure, some dads out there have been using the same tackle box for decades.

But isn’t it time for an upgrade?

If your dad is still lugging around an old, gray, hard-shell Plano tackle box – if you know, you know – then consider surprising him this year with one of the following:

Sleeping Bags

What’s better than a weekend getaway complete with fishing, hiking, and camping?

Still thinking? We’ll wait…

While the outdoors often provide an escape from creature comforts, it doesn’t hurt to have a cozy night sleep. If dad is getting up there in age, make sure he gets the best rest possible with the following:

Some of the options above are also excellent choices if camping might be extending into fall and even early winter.

Polarized Sunglasses

Whether he’s on the boat or the trail, keep dad comfortable and protected from the sun’s UV rays. If he is spending considerable time outdoors – even in a non-recreational capacity – it’s a great idea to make sure he has a pair of high-quality, polarized sunglasses this summer.

Some popular options include:

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