Every Arizona State Fishing Record

Arizona is, in many ways, a curious state.

For those unfamiliar with the American southwest, one would likely except the entire state to be hot, arid, and desert-like. In certain parts of Arizona, this is certainly true. What is often overlooked, however, is that Arizona also contains numerous fishing spots at high elevation.

This benefits anglers who are looking to fish for species like walleye, trout, and northern pike (which all tend to gravitate toward cooler temperatures).

That said, sites like Lake Havasu and Lake Alama State Parks offer some of Arizona’s best bass fishing. Lake Mead and Roosevelt Lake are also popular spots that offer a diverse and plentiful fishing experience.

Since 2020, several species – senora sucker, yellow bass, and tiger trout – have seen the Arizona state fishing records broken.

List of Every Arizona State Fishing Record

Bass, Hybrid Striped
2 lb. 13.76 oz.
18.5 in.
Lake Pleasant
Ray Gilmore, Peoria
Bass, Largemouth
16 lb. 7.68 oz.
28.0 in.
Canyon Lake
Randall E. White, Mesa
Bass, Rock
0 lb. 12.96 oz.
10.25 in.
Upper Verde River
Eric Woolsey, Cottonwood
Bass, Smallmouth
7 lb. 0.96 oz.
22.75 in.
Roosevelt Lake
Dennis K. Barnhill, Mesa
Bass, Striped
29 lb. 13.76 oz.
45.25 in.
Lake Pleasant
Bob Liddington, Phoenix
Bass, White
4 lb. 11.7 oz.
19.5 in.
Upper Lake Pleasant
David Amburgey, Peoria
Bass, Yellow
2 lb. 2.56 oz.
14.25 in.
Canyon Lake
Ron Johnson
3 lb. 15.68 oz.
15.75 in.
Goldwater Lake
Christopher Ray Mapes, Prescott Valley
Buffalo, Bigmouth
36 lb. 6 oz.
38.5 in.
Roosevelt Lake
Leon Steward, Payson
Buffalo, Black
35 lb. 6.72 oz.
40.5 in.
Canyon Lake
David Hoenshell, Mesa
Buffalo, Smallmouth
42 lb. 13.76 oz.
38 in.
Apache Lake
Gary Becko, Rimrock
Bullhead, Black
2 lb. 6.1 oz.
16.5 in.
Parker Canyon Lake
Mikki St. George, Sierra Vista
Bullhead, Yellow
4 lb. 8.1 oz.
17.75 in.
Mormon Lake
Patricia Simmon, Phoenix
37 lb. 0.0 oz.
40.0 in.
Bartlett Lake
Jonathan Gardner, Phoenix
Catfish, Channel
33 lb., 5.76 oz.
39.5 in.
Upper Lake Mary
Carson Pete
Catfish, Flathead
76 lb. 8.64 oz.
53.5 in.
Bartlett Lake
Eddie Wilcoxson, Surprise
Crappie, Black
4 lb. 10.0 oz.
San Carlos Lake
John Shadrick, Mammoth
Crappie, White
3 lb. 5.28 oz.
16.75 in.
Lake Pleasant
Robert Schnell, Glendale
Grayling, Arctic
1 lb. 9.76 oz.
14.65 in.
Lee Valley Lake
Glenn D. Davis III, Flagstaff
Northern Pike
32 lb. 5.6 oz.
49 in.
Ashurst Lake
Ronald Needs, Flagstaff
Roundtail Chub
3 lb. 14.9 oz.
18.5 in.
Lower Salt River
Richard L. Walton, Chandler
Striped Mullet
5 lb. 2.24 oz.
23.75 in.
Fortuna Pond
Robert Bayles, Yuma
Sucker, Desert
2 lb. 10.75 oz.
18.0 in.
Verde River
Edith Toney, Mesa

Sucker, Sonora
6 lb. 0 oz.
23 in.
Lower Salt River
Russ Nuss, Jr., Gilbert

Sunfish, Green
1 lb. 9 oz.
11.0 in.
Parker Canyon Lake
Paul Bennett, Sierra Vista

Sunfish, Hybrid*
2 lb. 2.22 oz.
12.5 in.
Patagonia Lake
Mikey Alan Porter, Tucson

Sunfish, Redear
3 lb. 9.0 oz.
14.5 in.
Goldwater Lake
Jay Adkins, Prescott

7 lb. 8.8 oz.
20.0 in.
Saguaro Lake
Tim Alan Schoenecker, Gilbert

Trout, Apache
5 lb. 15.5 oz.
24.0 in.
Hurricane Lake
Lyle Hemphill, Lakeside

Trout, Brook
4 lb. 15.2 oz.
20.5 in.
Sunrise Lake
Marshall Gregg, Whiteriver

Trout, Brown
22 lb. 14.5 oz.
36.0 in.
Reservation Lak
Bryce Sisson, Prescott

Trout, Cutthroat
6 lb. 5.0 oz.
22.3 in.
Luna Lake
Eric James Walter, Tucson

Trout, Gila
5 lb. 1.92 oz.
Goldwater Lake
David Worsham, Avondale

Trout, Rainbow
15 lb. 9.12 oz.
32.5 in.
Willow Springs Lake
Harold Wright, Sun City

Trout, Tiger
3 lb. 16 oz.
18.75 in.
Morton Tank
Anthony Lerma

16 lb. 1.76 oz.
31 in.
Show Low Lake
Gregg Munck, Show Low

White Amur (Trip.)
47 lb. 1.6 oz.
46.5 in.
Encanto Park Lake
Kevin A. Baylor Jr., Phoenix

Yellow Perch
1 lb. 10.0 oz.
13.5 in.
Stoneman Lake
Art Ellico, Kingman

A note on the accuracy of Arizona fishing state record lists

When it comes to Arizona state fishing records, finding accurate information via web search can be also as elusive as these record fish themselves.

The Premier Angler team takes tremendous pride in thoroughly researching our information before sharing it online. That said, we are human and sometimes we get the facts wrong. Not often, but it can happen…

With that in mind, so do many other fishing websites on the web.

When performing a Google search for “Arizona State Fishing Records,” for instance, you may be directed to websites with information that is nearly a decade out of date.

Fortunately, we have cross-referenced our data with that of the Arizona Game and Fish Department to ensure accuracy. As of October 10, 2019, please note that all state record fish (for hook-and-line, inland waters) are accurate. Please visit the aforementioned website for catch-and-release and other records.

Notice any Arizona fishing records that need updated? Let us know in the comments below!

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