Every Alaska State Fishing Record

Chena River_Alaska
Chena River, Alaska

Alaska is one of the most beautiful destinations in the entire world.

It is also home to some excellent trout and salmon fishing.

While many anglers catch massive Alaskan fish on the Pacific Ocean, the state plays home to excellent fisheries lile the Wulik River, Innoko River, and the world-famous Kenai River.

List of Every Alaska State Fishing Record

Species  WeightLocationAnglerDate
Arctic Char/Dolly Varden27 lbs 6 ozWulik RiverMike Curtiss2002
Burbot24 lbs 12 ozLouise Lake George R. Howard1976
Chinook (King) Salmon97 lbs 4 ozKenai River Lester Anderson1985
Chum Salmon32 lbs 0 ozPacific Ocean – Caamano PointFredrick Thynes1985
Coho Salmon26 lbs 0 ozPacific OceanAndrew Robbins1976
Cutthroat Trout8 lbs 6 ozWilson Lake Robert Denison1977
Dolly Varden Trout27 lbs 6 ozWulik River Mike Curtiss2002
Halibut459 lbs 0 ozPacific Ocean – Unalaska BayJack Tragis1996
Lake Trout47 lbs 0 ozClarence Lake Daniel Thorsness1970
Ling Cod81 lbs 6 ozPacific Ocean – Monty IslandCharles Curny2002
Northern Pike38 lbs 0 ozInnoko River Jack Wagner1991
Pink (Humpback) Salmon12 lbs 9 ozMoose River Steven A. Lee1974
Rockfish38 lbs 11 ozPacific Ocean – Prince William SoundRosemary Roberts2001
Sheefish53 lbs 0 ozPah River Lawrence E. Hudnall1986
Sockeye Salmon16 lbs 0 ozKenai River Chuck Leach1974
Steelhead Trout42 lbs 3 ozPacific Ocean – Bell IslandDavid White1970
Whitefish9 lbs 0 ozTozitna River Al Mathews1989

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