Every West Virginia State Fishing Record

Almost Heaven…

Wild and wonderful…

The Mountain State…

Call it what you will, but West Virginia is, without question, one of the most scenic states in the nation.

Thousands and square miles of Appalachian wonderful and enough small towns and backroads to travel for a lifetime. What’s not to love?

For anglers looking to etch their names in the record books, West Virginia also offers a unique opportunity to make history…

Double the Fun

In most states, the state record fish for each species in record exclusively by weight. In West Virginia, however, things are a bit different…

Anglers can, in fact, capture the West Virginia state fishing record by recording either the heaviest fish of any particular species or the longest.

As you will see on the list, there are plenty of times when one fish meets both criteria. That said, in the case of largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, muskie, walleye, and several others, there are two distinct West Virginia state fishing records listed.

Where Are Best Fishing Spots in West Virginia?

West Virginia may not have the abundance of lakes found in neighboring states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, but there are still some great fishing spots.

48 of West Virginia’s 55 counties house a public fishing lake. Statewide, there over 120 public fishing lakes and ponds. Add in a few hundred rivers, creeks, and private ponds and there is no shortage of great fishing spots.

According to the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, however, some of the best fishing spots in West Virginia include:

  • Largemouth Bass: Burnsville Lake, Cheat Lake, Sutton Lake, R.D. Bailey Lake, Stonewall Jackson Lake, Elk Fork Lake, and the backwater of the Ohio River
  • Smallmouth Bass: Summerville Lake, Tygart Lake, New River, Shenandoah River, Potomac River (south branch and mainstream), and the Elk River
  • Muskie: Middle Island Creek, Kanawha River, Buckhannon River, Sandy Creek, and Dunkard Creek

You can also visit the link below to see a list of the top eight fishing destinations in the state.

List of Every West Virginia State Fishing Record

SpeciesYearTotal Length (Inches)Total Weight (Pounds)Location
Largemouth199424.812.28Pond (Grant County)
200125.759.62Dog Run Lake
Smallmouth197124.259.75South Branch
197625.57.5New River
Rock196413.81.75Big Sandy Creek
Spotted1988193.82RD Bailey Lake
2000194.77RD Bailey Lake
Striped Bass200037.6829.56Bluestone Lake
Hybrid Striped Bass198531.516.75Kanawha River
200032.114Kanawha River
White Bass1985204.56New River
Bluegill196413.752.25Pond (Fayette County)
198611.72.75Pond (Randolph County)
Bowfin199432.257.54Pond (Berkeley County)
199429.387.66Pond (Berkeley County)
Buffalo19764138Little Kanawha River
Common19884141.5Stonecoal Lake
199839.347Pond (Preston County)
Grass200550.7571.69Warden Lake
202054.7567.4Warden Lake
Blue201949.8458.38Ohio River
201644.8859.74Ohio River
Bullhead197722.756.1Tygart Lake Headwaters
Channel19933833.38Patterson Creek
199438.521.25Lee Creek
Flathead19565270Little Kanawha River
Chain Pickerel200127.756.19Tuckahoe Lake
201927.87N/AUpper Deckers Creek
Crappie197119.754.05Meathouse Fork
Eel1977447.25Bunker Hill Quarry
198344.256.27Elk River
Fallfish197021.253.5North Fork of South Branch
Freshwater Drum19543725Little Kanawha River
198935.527South Fork of Hughes
Longnose Gar199350.519.08Kanawha River
200350.6316.75Fish Creek
Goldeye198318.53Ohio River
Muskellunge199750.3749.75Stonecoal Lake
20215439.6Burnsville Lake
Northern Pike198942.622.06Dog Run Lake
Sauger1985234.75Ohio River
Saugeye2000267.25Ohio River
200027.16.13East Lynn Lake
Skip Jack199118.62.38Ohio River
200218.42.61Kanawha River
Tiger Musky199449.2536.5Mountwood Lake
Brook198123.54.78Lost River
200422.257.64Shavers Fork of Cheat River
Brown19683216South Branch
Golden Rainbow198727.58.63Stonecoal Lake
199826.49.31Brushy Fork Lake
Rainbow199331.711.74Stonecoal Lake
Tiger1986266.68Greenbrier River
Walleye19763515Kanawha Falls
20033217.82Kanawha River
Yellow Perch1971151.75Pond (Monongalia County)

Did you notice any records that need updated? Kindly let us know in the comments below.

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