West Virginia Has a New State Record Muskie

While it drives some anglers crazy, West Virginia offers two sets of state records for each species. Anglers are able to earn a certified state record for both length and weight.
In some cases, one fish meets the criteria for both metrics. In many instances, however, the record is essentially split between two fish. Sometimes these catches may have occurred decades apart.
Leading into the end of April 2021, West Virginia’s state record muskie title was one such case. The certified weight record was an impressive 49.75 pounds (and 50.37 inches), caught by Anna Marsh on Stonecoal Lake in 1997. Since then, the certified length record muskie has shifted. In 2017, Joe Wilfong landed a 53.5 inch muskie on Little Kanawha River. Despite weighing only 34.58 pounds, it was the longest recorded muskie pulled from the Mountain State’s waters.
That is until now…
On April 30, angler Chase Gibson, who operates Gibson Guide Service out of Weston, WV, landed what WVDNR biologists have certified as the longest muskie in the state.
Caught on Burnsville Lake, this beauty measured 54 inches and weighed 39.6 pounds. After measurements were taken, the fish was returned safely to the water.
Official certification of the record is pending. Stay tuned for further developments.
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