Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District Lake Operations

It feels like most of the world is talking about “concerns over COVID-19” lately. As such, anglers across the country aretrying to figure out where they can fish and, more importantly, if they are still allowed to fish. For those living near a Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District Lake, life is no different.

On Wednesday, March 25th, the MWCD posted a series of graphics to its social media channels informing the public of what amenities were still available on its lakes.

What are the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District Lakes?

There are currently ten permanent lakes and four dry dams located in eastern Ohio that fall under the auspices of the MWCD. They are:

MWCD Lakes

MWCD Dry Dams

  • Bolivar Lake
  • Dover Lake
  • Lake Mohawk
  • Mohicanville Dam

What is still available on MCWD Lakes (March-April 2020)?

While marinas, camping, and all public restrooms have been closed at this time, MWCD lakes are still open. Anglers can still take their own boats and kayaks to these waters. Also, shore fishing is still permitted.

Below are a list of the lakes and available resources and activities at each site:

  • Piedmont Lake: Public Launch Ramp, Public Kayak Ramp, Fishing
  • Atwood Lake: Public Launch Ramp, Fishing, Trails
  • Charles Mill Lake: Public Launch Ramp, Fishing, Trails
  • Clendening Lake: Public Launch Ramp, Fishing
  • Pleasant Hill Lake: Public Launch Ramp, Fishing, Trails
  • Seneca Lake: Public Launch Ramp, Fishing, Trails

For more up-to-date information of closures and availability of resources, visit the official Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District website.

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